Health Education

The Health Education (HE) courses at Columbia Basin College provide students with the knowledge and skills necessary to promote healthy living and disease prevention. Encompassing a broad spectrum of health and wellness topics, these courses can help students make informed decisions to lead happier, healthier lives.


HE 110: Concepts of Fitness [PE]

Credits 2

Physiological, kinesiological, and energy aspects of movement activities and exercises related to health and physical fitness. The course is lecture/lab.

HE 160: Diet, Exercise & Weight Control [PE]

Credits 2

Class is designed to promote and achieve knowledge in the areas of diet, exercise, and weight management for today's lifestyles as it relates to the students' total well-being.

HE 161: HIV/AIDS Issues and Strategies [PE]

Credits 2

A comprehensive overview of the virus HIV and AIDS, including: biological, epidemiological, historical, universal precautions, economic, legal, ethical, social, and behavioral aspects.

HE 162: HIV/AIDS Education [PE]

Credits 1

This lab is designed to provide additional information on HIV/AIDS and activities that prepare students to give presentations about health issues related to HIV/AIDS to classes and other student groups on campus.

HE 170: Health and Wellness [PE]

Credits 3

Study of current health and wellness issues and problems of the college-age student. Emphasis is on lifestyles, risk factors, and preventing disease and illness with a wellness lifestyle.

HE 171: Exercise Prescription [PE]

Credits 2

This course is the study of the history, current trends, and research regarding proper protocols for designing individual workout programs based on needs and experience of individuals.

HE 199: Special Studies

Credits 1 15

An experimental class to be used to explore new approaches and applications to Health Education.

HE 210: Sports Nutrition [PE]

Credits 3

This course is an introduction to terms, concepts, and research regarding proper nutrition for athletes and active individuals. In addition, supplementation and aids to enhance performance are studied.

HE 215: Health and Fitness for Life [PE]

Credits 3

This course is designed to provide students with the necessary knowledge and skills to maintain a healthy fitness level throughout the lifespan. Students will develop, implement, and modify an exercise program geared to their specific fitness and wellness goals. This class requires students to exercise in the fitness center. $35 science fee.

HE 220: Drugs and Health [PE]

Credits 3

This course is designed to achieve physiological knowledge and awareness of chemical use and abuse as it relates to the student's total well-being.

HE 230: First-Aid Safety [RE]

Credits 3

Designed to help students learn first-aid skills and accident prevention. Advanced first-aid and CPR card given for successful completion.

HE 232: Sports Psychology [PE]

Credits 3

An introduction to terms, concepts, and research regarding the psychological area of sports. The history, current trends, and legal issues regarding the field of sports psychology are studied.

HE 240: Stress Management [PE]

Credits 3

A study of the causes of human stress and how to manage or minimize this stress. Theories, implications, and practical applications are emphasized.

HE 250: Sports Management [PE]

Credits 3

This course is an introduction to the history, current global perspectives, trends, and research regarding the field of sports management. Students gain an understanding of marketing, organization, and financial aspects of sports management.