Medical Records & Healthcare Information

The Medical Records & Healthcare Information courses provide a solid foundation in important medical science concepts, computer applications, healthcare coding classifications and information management, all of which creates a skilled professional who can process, code, classify, condense, analyze and manage healthcare information through physical and computer technology methods.

The courses help to prepare students for professional positions in a variety of areas, including hospitals, clinics, long-term care facilities, insurance agencies, home-health, government and other agencies.

Degrees and Certificates


MRHI 101: Introduction to Health Information Practices

Credits 5

This introductory course surveys the fundamental theories and practices of the Medical Records and Health Information Management profession. Areas of study include the responsibilities and duties of a professional in the field, the basics of health services organization and delivery, elements of health data and record structure, the essentials of the electronic health record, and an overview of information privacy and security as applied to the field.


Completion of HSCI 147 with a 2.0 or better, or instructor permission.

MRHI 103: Legal Aspects of Healthcare

Credits 5

An introduction to legal issues as it relates to healthcare practitioners and the health record. Topics include confidentiality and release of information standards with specific attention paid to HIPAA requirements. This course emphasizes the health record as a legal document and introduces privacy and security principles of protected health information.

MRHI 114: Human Body Structure, Function, and Disease I

Credits 4

This is the first of two structure, function, and disease classes. It introduces the chemistry of life, cells and tissues, and organ systems of the body. The structure and function of the following systems are covered: the integumentary, skeletal, muscular, nervous, endocrine, senses, and blood. The common diseases, pathology of the diseases, and treatment modality of each of these diseases is also covered. This course is cross-listed with MA 114. Students completing MRHI 114 may not receive graduation credit for MA 114.

MRHI 150: Pharmacology In Allied Health

Credits 3

This class provides a basic knowledge of pharmacology. The main topics covered within the context of pharmacology include an introduction to legal and ethical issues, terms and abbreviations, governmental agencies, and providers and professionals. Additional topics include reading and interpreting medication orders, understanding drug classifications, and identifying commonly prescribed drugs used with each body system.

MRHI 195: Practicum I

Credits 2

This course focuses on medical records office training. Theory is applied in practice through an individualized learning plan. Students demonstrate abilities by creating, processing, and analyzing health records and medical billing procedures.


Completion of MRHI 101 with a 2.0 or better, or instructor permission.

MRHI 201: Coding I

Credits 5

This course introduces the basic principles and conventions of the International Classification of Diseases, tenth-edition (ICD-10). Areas of study include ICD-10-CM understanding and application, ICD-10-PCS fundamentals, ICD-10 Manual navigation, ICD-10 Coding Guidelines, and body-system diagnostic code assignment.

MRHI 205: Health Information Administration

Credits 5

This course contains an overview of management theories, organizational structure, and legal regulations that apply to Health Information Management (HIM). The course focuses on the topics of change management, human resources management, ethics, performance management, training, and organizational structure as it relates to HIM. Students develop the skills necessary to become a successful HIM management professional.

MRHI 206: Data Integrity

Credits 5

This course introduces healthcare data and information system concepts necessary to successfully manage healthcare data in the digital era. A variety of data governance functions are examined including data architecture management, metadata management, master data management, content and record management, data security management, business intelligence and big data, data quality management, and terminology and classification systems. Students discover how to develop a sound data governance program that solves the significant data management challenges faced by a Healthcare Information Management professional.

MRHI 207: Intro to Revenue Cycle

Credits 5

This course provides an overview of reimbursement methodologies, health insurance plans and claims, terminology, coding and compliance, payment systems, and value-based purchasing. The course examines the interrelationship between billing and coding and compliance, and discusses how each affects healthcare providers, patients, and insurance payers.

MRHI 211: Coding II

Credits 5

This is the second course in the coding series. It is a beginning level course in Current Procedural Terminology (CPT), a clinical coding system used to code professional procedures and services. This course also covers intermediate level International Classification of Diseases, 10th edition (ICD-10-CM) coding. Sub-areas of study include CPT format and usage, Healthcare Common Procedure Coding System (HCPCS) II coding, modifier assignment, facility vs. non-facility coding, Ambulatory Payment Classifications (APC), and ICD-10-CM diagnosis coding.

MRHI 214: Human Body Structure, Function, and Disease II

Credits 4

This is the second-in-series body structure, function, and disease course. Topics include the circulatory, lymphatic, respiratory, digestive, urinary, and reproductive systems. Further instruction covers immunity, nutrition and metabolism, fluid and electrolyte balance, acid-base balance, growth and development, mental disorders, and disorders and conditions resulting from trauma. Common diseases are presented for each of these body systems as well as pathology and expected medical treatment. This course is cross-listed with MA 214. Students completing MRHI 214 may not receive graduation credit for MA 214.

MRHI 221: Coding III

Credits 5

This final course in the coding series covers inpatient hospital coding with advanced coding principles. Areas of study include inpatient procedure and diagnosis code assignment, Diagnosis Related Group (DRG) classification, and advanced ICD-10-CM coding. This course also discusses the relationship between coding and billing, and provides an analysis of documentation discrepancies.

MRHI 295: Practicum II

Credits 3

This course is a directed coding practicum. Students are assigned to a healthcare facility where they are supervised in a clinical coding experience. The course's project requirements involve coding case scenarios and creating a quality assurance audit plan. There is continued emphasis on quality assurance, data abstraction, ICD-10 coding, and CPT assignment.