SOC 305: Cybercrime: A Sociological Perspective [S/B]

Credits 5

Cybercrime is a deviant behavior involving the illegal use of computer technology and the internet against individuals, social groups, and institutions. This course examines cybercrime and its various types (such as identity theft, bullying, and cyber-terrorism) as a social problem in the United States and the world. The goal of this course is to introduce students to the theories and methods used by sociologists to understand the different dimensions of cybercrime including their causes, costs, and challenges to society, and possible solutions. Topics include: cyber-sociology, crime and deviance, types of cybercrime, challenges to social order, society's responses to cybercrime, and socio-economic and ethical consequences of cybercrime.


Acceptance into a BAS/BSN program, completion of a two-year degree or equivalent, or instructor approval. It is also recommended that students complete either SOC& 101 or SOC& 201 prior to enrollment.