Adult Basic Education

Adult Basic Education (ABE) consists of three main areas of focus: GED® test preparation, High School+ coursework, and ABE classes. These classes serve the adult community and are available on the Pasco campus, located in the Transitional Studies department, and online.

We offer classes in English Language Arts, Math, Social Studies, and Science. Depending on the program in which the student enrolls in, it may require a formal assessment using CASAS.

Our courses serve the needs of adult students seeking a high school equivalency diploma and preparing for college coursework. GED® is a registered trademark of the American Council on Education (ACE) and administered exclusively by GED® Testing Service LLC under license. This material [or content] is not endorsed or approved by ACE or GED® Testing Service.


ABE 9: Ed Interviewing

Credits 0.5 3

The purpose of this course is to improve learner retention, persistence, and performance through research-proven goal setting, problem-solving, and evaluation, intervention, and self-awareness strategies. $25 per quarter BeDA tuition.

ABE 10: ABE Level 1

Credits 1 15

Math instruction in adding and subtracting of simple whole numbers. Reading instruction in phonics, language patterns, and using context to understand written material. Writing instruction for basic survival needs and for personal communication. $25 per quarter BeDA tuition.

ABE 20: ABE Level 2

Credits 1 15

Math instruction in place value, whole number operations, and problem-solving. Reading instruction in phonics, language patterns, and using context to understand written material. Writing instruction for basic survival needs and for personal communication. $25 per quarter BeDA tuition.

ABE 30: ABE Level 3

Credits 1 15

Math instruction in decimals, fractions, and problem-solving. Reading instruction in word meanings, structure in word meanings, structure of paragraphs, identification of main idea, distinguishing between fact and opinion and comprehension strategies for a variety of reading materials. Writing instruction in sentence composition and paragraph construction. $25 per quarter BeDA tuition.

ABE 40: ABE Level 4

Credits 1 15

Math instruction in percent, ratio, proportion, measurement, tables, and graphs. Reading instruction in organization and main idea, as well as in evaluation, comprehension, and making inferences using a variety of intermediate level reading materials. Writing instruction in writing connected paragraphs with correct punctuation, capitalization usage, spelling, and more complex sentence structure. $25 per quarter BeDA tuition.

ABE 50: Basic Ged(R) Prep

Credits 1 15

Individualized instruction to prepare students to pass the four official GED(R) tests with a total score of 600 points or better. The GED(R) test consists of a battery of four individual tests. The four tests include Language arts-writing, Science, Social Studies, Mathematical Reasoning, and Reasoning Through Language Arts. $25 per quarter BeDA tuition.

ABE 60: Advanced Ged(R) Prep

Credits 1 15

Individual instruction to enable students to successfully complete all four of the GED(R) tests. Students may already have completed two of the tests and need to pass the two remaining tests. Or the student could have passed all four GED(R) tests but needs to accumulate more points to reach the necessary total score of 600 points. $25 per quarter BeDA tuition.

ABE 70: Ged(R) Math

Credits 1 5

Individualized instruction to prepare students to pass the official Mathematics Reasoning GED(R) tests. $25 per quarter BeDA tuition.

ABE 90: I-BEST Special Studies

Credits 1 10

This course integrates Washington Adult Basic Education ABE level 5 and 6 reading, writing, math, and listening standards and indicators with a college-level course. Example: Child Development Associate certificate, Nursing Assistant Certified, or Phlebotomy. $25 per quarter BeDA tuition.